Live With Chris Macdonald
An extraordinary situation requires extraordinary solutions
Cutting edge of digital seminars
Anyone who has seen Chris on stage has experienced his unique ability to engage and inspire his audience. Combined with his experience as a TV host, it led him to team up with some of the TV industry's best producers with the mission of creating a unique, digital lecture.
Chris MacDonald is a human physiologist, researcher, keynote speaker and known as one of the absolute best lecturers on the Scandinavian scene. He has given over 5,000 lectures for the world's largest companies from Maersk and Novo to Microsoft and Lego - all about what it takes for humans to feel good. And perform well. Simultaneously.
On a daily basis, Chris MacDonald challenges and improves the population's health and approach to it. He does this both alone and in collaboration with various committed organisations, often with the media on the sidelines.
Read much more about Chris MacDonald's ambitious projects right here
Chris MacDonald was born in 1973 in Minnesota, USA, and grew up in Seattle. He has a master's degree in science. in human physiology at the University of Copenhagen and is today one of Denmark's most popular lecturers.
For more than twenty years, he has inspired and motivated to make the choices in life that make us thrive both physically and mentally. Without pointing fingers, but with lots of humor.

"Chris' ability to communicate science and entertain is truly exceptional."
Novo Nordisk
"A unique and insanely inspiring speaker"
"Sublime lecture, Chris is so good at getting really close to his audience"
"Documented insight, humour, inspiring"
NovoZymes A/S
"Equal parts inspiring and thought-provoking. Truly impressive."